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Ramsey County's Parks and Recreation/Soil and Water hosts AmeriCorps Director for special visit

Director Sonali Nijhawan and a Ramsey County Parks and Recreation/Soil and Water staff member speaking at the event.
Director Sonali Nijhawan and a Ramsey County Parks and Recreation/Soil and Water staff member.

As AmeriCorps Week commenced, Ramsey County's Parks and Recreation/Soil and Water Conservation prepared for a special visit from AmeriCorps Director Sonali Nijhawan. The event, held on Wednesday, March 13 at 1 p.m. at the scenic Battle Creek Pavilion, garnered attention from Channel 5, with Commissioner Xiong and Reinhardt addressing the significance of AmeriCorps' contributions to the community. With a long-standing tradition of hosting AmeriCorps interns, Soil and Water welcomed seven individuals at the time, including two ClimateCorp interns, one Conservation Corp intern, and four Conservation Crew members. The event featured a reception at 1 p.m. followed by a demonstration led by interns, who shared insights into their experiences while engaging in conservation efforts within the county.

During the event, attendees witnessed firsthand the impact of AmeriCorps' partnership with Soil and Water. A highlight of the day's activities included a visit to an infested ash tree, where interns discussed their roles in combating environmental challenges. As Commissioner Xiong and Reinhardt emphasized, such collaborative efforts underscored the county's commitment to environmental stewardship and community engagement. With the AmeriCorps Director's visit serving as a beacon of recognition for their ongoing partnership, Soil and Water looked forward to furthering its collaboration with AmeriCorps in fostering a sustainable future for all.

Posted on Friday, March 15, 2024 - 4:26 p.m.