Potential Design Solutions for Rice Street

The Rice Street Visioning Study project team has listened to community concerns about traveling on Rice Street today as well as input on future travel along Rice Street. In late summer and fall 2020, the design team will share information on several design solutions that can help address concerns and define the community-driven vision.

Current topic - neighborhood solutions

Learn more about potential design tools that could be used on the neighborhood and side streets around Rice Street. Share your thoughts on what you think could improve the project area. Your feedback will be used to inform the development of design alternatives for Rice Street.

Past topics

Tool evaluation

Each tool was evaluated using the project goals listed below.

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Transportation goals and criteria

Safe pedestrian accommodations

  • Safe pedestrian crossings at key locations.
  • Safe routes to school and other destinations.
  • Enhanced pedestrian facilities along the corridor.

Safe bicycle connections

  • Safe connections and crossings to existing and planned bike routes.
  • Safe accommodations of bicycle traffic along the corridor.

Improved transit service

  • Improved experience for transit riders in terms of service and facilities.
  • Potential to accommodate future enhanced transit service types.
  • Integration of transit with multi-modal connections on the corridor.

Safe traffic operations

  • Upgraded intersection treatments to improve traffic safety.
  • Corridor improvements to reduce crashes.

Welcoming streetscape

  • Improved pedestrian lighting and amenities.
  • Corridor streetscape enhancements that are appropriate for the corridor.
  • Plan for sustainable maintenance.

Community context goals and criteria

Economic development and business support

  • Mitigation plan for construction phase impacts.
  • Updates to accessibility and parking that support businesses.
  • Identification of business opportunities and needs along the corridor.
  • Identification of resources and partnerships to support business vitality.

Workforce development and employment

  • Identification of workforce needs along the corridor.
  • Identification of resources and partnerships to support workforce development and job placement.

Healthy community

  • Identification of option to support public health along the corridor, particularly active living.
  • Identification of resources and partnerships to support public health in the area.

Public safety

  • Well-lit and maintained public spaces.

Community-defined goals

  • To be determine after additional outreach.
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