Statement of Activities

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The Statement of Activities presents the county's change in net position over a given period. 

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  2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Program revenues  $325,450,989  $346,908,222 $339,031,703 $308,098,315 $313,161,745
General revenues $352,740,247 $339,322,305 $322,471,564 $325,743,863 $313,639,231
Total revenues $678,191,236 $686,230,527 $661,503,267 $633,842,178 $626,800,976
Program expenses $656,627,622 $698,435,857 $635,980,254 $624,057,253 $605,865,602
Increase / (Decrease) in net position $21,563,614 ($12,205,330) $25,523,013 $9,784,925 $20,935,374
Net position - beginning **$808,778,388 $797,815,502 $772,292,489 $945,791,930 $925,036,556
Net position - end $830,342,002 $785,610,172 $797,815,502 *$772,292,489 $945,971,930

* Due to required implementation of GASB 68 2014 ending net position was restated. Please see 2015 Ramsey County comprehensive annual financial report (PDF) for more information.

** Net position is higher due to a prior period restatement. See 2017 comprehnsive annual financial report (PDF) for more information.

The county’s total revenue has averaged a 1.6 percent increase over the last five years. Program expenses have increased 7.7 percent from 2013 to 2017, averaging an annual increase of 1.5 percent. Program expenses differ from the expenditures listed in the governmental funds due to the unique nature of special service funds, such as debt service and capital projects, which are listed in the governmental fund expenditures and not in the statement of activities.

Over the past five years, the net position of the county has decreased due to the implementation of GASB 68 in 2015. However, from 2016 to 2017 the overall net position of Ramsey County increased by more than five percent. More information on this can be found in the 2016 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

  • Program revenues: Revenues that are earned as a direct result of a given function. Program revenues are offset by program expenses.
  • General revenues: Funds that the county received as income. Includes such items as property taxes, fees for services, intergovernmental revenues, fines, forfeitures, grants, revenue from sales and rentals and interest income.
  • General obligation debt: Municipal debt that is secured by Ramsey County's pledge to use legally available resources, such as tax revenue, to repay bond holders. Debt is issued to provide funds for certain capital improvement projects and other major purchases.

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