Environmental Response Fund

Contact us

Redevelopment in Ramsey County often means addressing legacy environmental issues or “brownfields." An Environmental Response Fund (ERF) grant program provides resources to offset the cost of environmental assessment and cleanup of contaminated sites.

Who can apply?

Local governmental organizations, developers, for-profit and not‐for‐profit organizations are eligible for ERF grants. ERF grants are not available to non-local government responsible parties.

How to apply

Proposals are typically accepted twice, per year:

  • March 15 - May 1
  • September 15 - November 1

Applicants who are requesting funds for building demolition/deconstruction must submit a detailed waste management plan (PDF). Applicants must also provide a letter or resolution of support from the relevant local unit of government.

Before applying, please contact Community & Economic Development to discuss your project and application requirements.

Apply now

Brownfield funding availability

Eligibility requirements

Funding priorities

Scroll table right to see more
Timeline (Fall 2024)

Local Brownfield Funding for Redevelopment info sessions

Solicitation published

Sept. 15

Response deadline  Nov. 1
Funding award decision 

January 2024