For Mandated Reporters

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State law requires persons in designated professional occupations to report suspected child abuse or neglect to police or child protection that they suspect has occurred in the past three years. These include people who work with children in health care, social services, education, mental health, child care, law enforcement, the courts, clergy, and corrections settings.

Mandated reporters should

Call 911

If you know or suspect that a child is in immediate danger, call emergency services. Do not delay.

Make a report

If you do not suspect immediate danger to the child, call 651-266-4500 as soon as you have reason to believe a child has been maltreated by a parent, guardian, family child care provider, family foster care provider, or juvenile correctional facility staff person. Make your verbal report immediately, within 24 hours. You must also file a written report within 72 hours of the verbal report (excluding weekends and holidays). If you suspect abuse or neglect of a child, you personally must make the report. You cannot tell a supervisor or co-worker.

Download a child abuse reporting form

Definitions of child abuse and neglect

Consequences of inaction

Investigation outcomes