Healthier Meals Coalition

The Healthier Meals Coalition is a group of shelters and free meal programs in Ramsey County focusing on nutrition to improve the health of our clients. The members are individuals with on the ground, frontline experience working to help others every day. The HMC seeks to create a new paradigm for serving healthier meals to homeless and at-risk populations.  

The Coalition is utilizing a baseline assessment report completed in October 2011 to inform its current work. 

Federal Reimbursement Program       

Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Are you eligible to receive reimbursement for the healthy meals you serve to your population? If you serve children and older adults your organization may be eligible for USDA reimbursement of the meals.

To better understand the guidelines involved in preparing and serving a reimbursable meal check out this crediting handbook for detailed information about each food group and correct food items to serve. Use the menu checklist on page 65 for ideas for healthier meals to serve.

Promising practices guidelines