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Law Library

1815 Courthouse
15 Kellogg Blvd. West
Saint Paul, MN 55102
8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The Library is closed
on county holidays.
The Ramsey County Law Library provides residents with free law-related resources including books, journals, electronic databases, informational workshops and legal assistance. Law Library staff members are trained in legal research and can assist patrons in locating legal information in the library.
The law library is open to patrons conducting legal research or who have business in the courthouse.
At this time, the Housing/Conciliation Court Clinic and the Criminal Law clinics will continue with phone consultations. Please call the library at 651-266-8391 to set up an appointment.
Learn more about what law libraries can do to help self-represented litigants by watching this video.
Visit the story map to learn more about county law libraries across the United States.

Continuing Legal Education
Pre-register for the law library's monthly continuing legal education session via Zoom.
Minnesota Digital Exhibit System (MNDES): New Requirements for Exhibits in Evidentiary Proceedings
Wednesday, Feb. 12
Noon-1 p.m.
Judge Stephen Maxwell portrait celebration and Judicial First Panel
In 1968 Judge Stephen L. Maxwell was the first African American appointed to the district court bench, not only in Ramsey County, but also in the entire state of Minnesota.
On Oct. 13, there will be a celebration held at the Courthouse in honor of Judge Maxwell’s judicial and professional career in the downstairs City Conference Rooms 40A and B between 3-4:30 p.m. Please come and join us to celebrate!
The event will be in person and will be recorded. And light refreshments will be available immediately after the program. This is a collaboration between the Ramsey County Law Library and the Ramsey County Bar Association.
Please register for the event through this link here: RCBA Event (
New Ramsey County Digital Law Library
The law library offers remote access to Lexis treatises via the Ramsey County Digital Law Library.
Registered users can check out electronic copies of essential resources such as:
- Dunnell Minnesota Digest
- LexisNexis Practice Guide: Minnesota Criminal Law
- Minnesota Civil Practice
- Minnesota Family Law Practice Manual
- Minnesota Residential Real Estate
- Pirsig on Minnesota Pleading
- Stein on Probate
And many more! This resource is available to attorney patrons of the Ramsey County Law Library. To determine if you are eligible, please contact the law library at 651-266-8391 or email us at [email protected].
Access the digital law library
Remote hearings in Ramsey County at the Law Library
If you wish to participate in a remote hearing in Ramsey County, but don’t have a computer or space to do so, the Law Library can help. We have space, access to reliable WiFi, and equipment to help you safely attend your hearing. You can schedule your appointment with the law library by calling 651-266-8391.
The mission of the Ramsey County Law Library is to provide the best legal information services to residents, using print and online material in the most cost-effective manner. Legal information is a basic component of access to justice.
Housing and conciliation consultation
At this time, all clinics are held through phone consultation only. Please call the law library at 651-266-8391 after 10 a.m. on Tuesday morning to schedule an appointment.
Free legal consultation from volunteer attorneys is available every Tuesday from 1-4 p.m. at the Ramsey County Law Library for Ramsey County residents or self-represented litigants with a case in Ramsey County. This clinic assists with Conciliation Court and Housing Court issues.
Criminal expungement workshops
Neighborhood Justice Center (NJC), Volunteer Lawyers Network (VLN), along with the Ramsey County District Court and Law Library is restarting the Self-Help Expungement clinic.
You may file for expungement only if:
- You are not on probation or parole;
- Are not currently charged with any new crime;
- Have paid all fines and fees owed to Ramsey County; and
- Are not requesting expungement for a driving offense.
Clinics will be held fourth Thursday of every month (excluding holidays in Nov. and Dec.), starting at 1 p.m.
Ramsey County Law Library
Ramsey County Courthouse, 18th floor
15 W Kellogg Blvd. W.
St. Paul, MN 55102
(651) 266-8391
Space is limited and on a first come, first served basis. Please arrived by 1 p.m.
Additional forms and information can be found on the Minnesota Judicial Branch criminal expungement page.
Criminal Law Clinic
At this time, all clinics are held through phone consultation only. Please call the law library at 651-266-8391 after 10 a.m. on the first or third Thursday morning to schedule an appointment.
This clinic is open to all Minnesota residents and there is no income restrictions.
Please call the library at 651-266-8391 for further information.
Search catalog
The Minnesota State Law Library's free online catalog contains the Ramsey County Law Library's books and periodicals, and titles owned by the Minnesota State Law Library and metro-area county law libraries as well as some counties in Greater Minnesota.
If "RAMSEY CO. LAW LIB. Main Collection" is listed in the LOCATION line of your search results, the item is at our library.
Call 651-266-8391 for help using the catalog.
Legal research resources
Have you tried the Minnesota State Law Library's Legal Topics index? Libguides are available covering many subjects.
Learn more about your legal problem and going to court (for non-attorneys)
Law Library Online Resources
New Ramsey County Digital Law Library
- This online database contains electronic versions of the Lexis titles contained in the Ramsey County Law Library print collection.
- Users can log in remotely and check out an item for a two-week period.
- This service is available to all attorneys registered to practice in Minnesota. To set up your account, contact the law library at 651-266-8391 or email us at [email protected].
- Online research provides access to Minnesota and U.S. cases, headnotes, statutes, court orders, court rules, and administrative decisions.
- Coverage includes all state and federal jurisdictions, law reviews and a robust collection of secondary treatises. Litigation resources include selected briefs, orders, pleadings, and jury verdicts.
- You may call the law library to find out if what resources are available for searching on our Westlaw service.
Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) provides online access to case and docket information from federal appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts.
Law Library print resources
- Core collections in a wide variety of subject areas.
- Selected print reporters and digests.
- Minnesota primary law, historical and current.
- Minnesota CLE Materials and Deskbooks.
- Wisconsin Statues and secondary resources including JIGs.
- Journals and law reviews.
- Summer 2020 reading list on racism (PDF)
- Ramsey County Collection Development Policy (PDF)
Legal referrals
- Legal Resources for Public Libraries
- Housing/Conciliation Court Resources
- Housing/Conciliation Court Client Takeaway Sheet
- Housing manual (PDF)
- Larry McDonough, Residential Eviction Defense Manual
- Table of Contents for Conciliation Court Manual (PDF)
- Conciliation Court Manual (PDF)
- Legal Assistance, Resources & Information for Ramsey County,
- Legal Referrals by Subject
Other services
$1 per page
The fax machine sends and receives faxes under 21 pages.
Photocopier and printer
Single-sided pages cost 15 cents per page.
Book retrieval
Free of charge
The Law Library provides a scanner for attorney eFiling.
Minnesota Judicial Branch eFile & Serve - Quick Reference Guide (PDF)
Board members and library staff
Current members of the Ramsey County Law Library Board of Trustees:
- John Trojack, Esq., Law Library Board Chair
- The Honorable Mark Ireland
- The Honorable Veena Iyer
- Referee Elizabeth Clysdale
- Commissioner Nicole Joy Frethem
- Thomas Boyd, Esq.
- Jorge Saavedra, Esq.
Ramsey County Law Library staff
- Shannon Stoneking, Director
651-266-8391 - Michael Florin, Law Library Senior Assistant
Law Libraries: Open to the Public
Learn how law libraries across the United States – including the Ramsey County Law Library – are building stronger communities by serving self-represented litigants in this video created by the American Association of Law Libraries and the Self-Represented Litigation Network.