Application for Riverview Community Advisory Committee

Join the Riverview Community Advisory Committee and help guide the development of the Riverview Corridor Modern Streetcar Project. Please submit the completed application by Jan. 4, 2021.

Applications are also currently being accepted for the Station Area Planning Task Force. You may apply to be on both the Community Advisory Committee and Station Area Planning Task Force but would be chosen to serve on no more than one group.

* Indicates a required field
e.g. What business/neighborhood organization/employer/ethnic community/cultural community etc. do you represent?
If you do not have an internet connection and digital device and are appointed to the Task Force, Ramsey County would work with you to make alternative arrangements to allow you to participate in virtual meetings.

Optional information

The Riverview Corridor Modern Streetcar Project’s Policy Advisory Committee seeks to create a Station Area Planning Task Force that is representative of the people who live and/or work in the Saint Paul portion of the Riverview Corridor. 

This information is optional. The information requested is classified as "private data by individuals" by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act.